Test of Visual Perceptual Skills-4

Nancy A. Martin, PhD

Helps professionals determine a child's visual perceptual strengths and weaknesses




The TVPS-4 is the latest update of the standard comprehensive assessment of visual analysis and processing skills. It is used by many professionals, including occupational therapists, learning specialists, optometrists, and school psychologists.

Key Features:

  • Remains an easy-to-use assessment for determining visual strengths and weaknesses.
  • New lower-level items address the needs of younger or more impaired individuals.
  • Normative data now extend through age 21 years.
  • Now includes 18 items in each of seven perceptual areas.
  • Still features black-and-white items presented in a multiple-choice format that requires minimal motor demand.
  • Consistent with current methods of visual information processing used in occupational therapy and optometry. Also measures the following Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory narrow abilities: Visualization, Flexibility of Closure, Visual Memory, and Memory Span.

Key Areas Measured

Key Areas Measured

  • Visual Discrimination
  • Visual Memory
  • Spatial Relationships
  • Form Constancy
  • Sequential Memory
  • Visual Figure-Ground
  • Visual Closure
