Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills-Revised (non-motor), 3rd Edition

Nancy A. Martin, Ph.D.

Helps professionals determine a child's visual perceptual strengths and weaknesses




The TVPS-4 is now available! Learn more.

The TVPS-3 is an easy-to-use instrument that helps you determine a child's visual perceptual strengths and weaknesses. It was designed for use by occupational therapists, psychologists, education diagnosticians, developmental optometrists, learning specialists, and other assessment professionals.

  • The new third edition covers all of the ages that were previously served by two earlier versions: TVPS-R and TVPS(UL)-R
  • Easy to use instrument
  • 16 plates for each perceptual area - each normed separately so that various visual perceptual processes can be reliably differentiated

Key Areas Measured

Key Areas Measured

  • Visual Discrimination
  • Visual Memory
  • Visual-Spatial Relationships
  • Visual Form-Constancy
  • Visual Sequential-Memory
  • Visual Closure
  • Visual Figure-Ground
