Davidson Trauma Scale

Jonathan Davidson, M.D.

A quick and accurate measure of PTSD symptoms in ages 18 and older




The DTS was developed by Jonathan Davidson, cochair of the DSM-IV PTSD Task Force and one of the leading authorities in the field. The DTS provides a quick and accurate measure of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms. It can be used to evaluate psychopathology in trauma victims, assess the effectiveness of treatment, and predict treatment success.

  • Easy administration, scoring and interpretation
  • Ability to break down the DTS total score so that frequency and severity can be assessed independently
  • the three trauma symptom clusters in DSM-IV are reflected in the DTS norms subscale scores

Key Areas Measured

Key Areas Measured

  • Intrusion
  • Avoidance/Numbing
  • Hyperarousal
