Change Style Indicator®

Change Navigator®

For happier people, faster buy-in, and better implementation of organizational change, try the Change Navigator

Change Style Indicator®



The Change Style Indicator is a leadership assessment designed to measure an individual’s preferred style in approaching and addressing change. It provides leaders of all levels with insights on personal preferences for managing through change and provides context for how those around them might perceive and respond to their preferred style.


The instrument addresses both initiated and opposed change and places the respondent on a continuum between:

  • Conserver: prefers the known to the unknown
  • Pragmatist: prefers to explore the current situation in an objective manner
  • Originator: prefers a faster and more radical approach to change

With the Change Style Indicator, leaders will:

  • Learn about three unique styles for dealing with change
  • Discover their personal position on the continuum of change style preferences
  • Learn how a preferred style affects how others perceive an individual and how a style influences the perceptions of others
  • Explore the advantages and strengths that each style offers in a team effort
  • Improve interpersonal communication and understanding
  • Avoid conflicts and reduce unproductive meeting time
  • Realize the value of all perspectives when resolving issues
  • Enable the group’s creativity, collaboration, and innovation
  • Increase teamwork and cooperation

Key Areas Measured

Key Areas Measured



Get certified and give yourself a unique competitive advantage! 

What does certification include?

  • Access to both the Change Style Indicator and Change Navigator
  • An online curriculum that enables you to do your entire certification from the comfort of your home or office
  • The ability to take the assessment yourself and get feedback from an experienced coach
  • Facilitator guide, slide presentation, and other resources that enable you to run your own workshop
  • A free online account where you can use the product with your clients
  • Continuing Education credits from the American Psychological Association

Where do I get certified?

Are you qualified? Qualified users can gain access to the tool by completing the following steps: 

  • Find out if you’re qualified here
  • Purchase the qualification kit below for immediate access to the tool


Assess easily online from anywhere. Includes automatic scoring and report generation.



Requires software. Includes automatic scoring and report generation.



QuikScore forms are scored by hand without reports.

Starter Kits

Starter Kits





Ortiz PVAT Licenses

Ortiz PVAT Licenses

Online Scoring

Online Scoring

Supplementary Materials

Supplementary Materials

Other Materials

Other Materials
