Change Navigator™


A simulation that involves operating a business threatened with loss of market share

Change Navigator™



Change Navigator is a revolutionary new tool for change leaders that takes participants on a journey through the stages of transition that are common to periods of change and helps people to understand and navigate them. It focuses on the emotions of individuals as they navigate change and the predictable stages of transition. The assessment measures where individuals will fall in the four stages of transition for a specific change event:

  • Acknowledging
  • Reacting
  • Investigating
  • Implementing

A unique exercise in change exploration designed for organizations that are undergoing a specific change event. Change Navigator is approximately a two-hour experience that can be conducted in any training program or change initiative in the change curve.

Change Navigator should be deployed to anyone who:

  • Is affected by organizational change
  • Will have an impact on the successful implementation of a change initiative

Change Navigator is especially applicable for organizations who meet the following criteria:

  • Have planned a change event and are concerned about successful implementation due to potential cultural conflicts or lack of adoption
  • Are currently undergoing a large scale change initiative and are worried about the progress being made due to organizational adoption

Key Areas Measured

Key Areas Measured

  • leadership
  • decision-making
  • teamwork
  • communication skills



Get certified and give yourself a unique competitive advantage!

What does certification include?

  • A 3-day in person certification program
  • Facilitator guide, slide presentation, and other resources that enable you to run your own workshop
  • A free online account where you can use the product with your clients
  • Continuing Education credits from the American Psychological Association

Where do I get certified?
