CAS 2™

Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition

Jack A. Naglieri, Ph.D.

A norm-referenced measure of cognitive ability based on the cognitive/neuropsychological PASS theory

CAS 2™



Designed to measure cognitive processing abilities that are important for a broad range of differential diagnoses and instructional planning, the Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition (CAS2) is a norm-referenced measure based on the well-researched cognitive/neuropsychological theory called PASS (Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive). It provides practitioners with a valid and reliable tool to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of children and adolescents in important areas of cognitive processing.

Key Features:

  • Authored by Dr. Jack Naglieri, Ph.D, J. P. Das, Ph.D, and Sam Goldstein, Ph.D, internationally recognized leaders in assessment development
  • Evaluates strengths and weaknesses in the cognitive processing of children and adolescents
  • Normative data sample represents the U.S. population
  • Offers validity with special populations including those with speech or language impairments, learning disabilities, gifted or talented designations, ADHD, anxiety disorder, and Asperger’s syndrome
  • Provides a new Spanish supplements kit


Key Areas Measured

Key Areas Measured

  • Planning
  • Attention
  • Simultaneous
  • Successive

The CAS2 Extended Battery has three subtests for each of the four PASS scales. The Core Battery includes two subtests from each of the four PASS scales. Each PASS scale as well as the CAS2 full scale yields a standard score with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. The CAS2 also yields five supplemental composite scores: Executive Function without Working Memory, Executive Function with Working Memory, Working Memory, Verbal Content, and Nonverbal Content. A visual versus auditory comparison is also provided.



Assess easily online from anywhere. Includes automatic scoring and report generation.



Requires software. Includes automatic scoring and report generation.



QuikScore forms are scored by hand without reports.

Starter Kits

Starter Kits




CAS2 Complete Kit without case

Administration and Scoring Manual, Interpretive and Technical Manual, Stimulus Books 1-3, 10 Examiner Record Forms, 5 each of the Student Response Books for 5-7 and 8-17, 10 Figure Memory Response Books, Scoring Templates, and two red pencils.

USD: $1,180.00

CAS2: Complete Kit with case

Administration and Scoring Manual, Interpretive and Technical Manual, Stimulus Books 1-3, 10 Examiner Record Forms, 5 each of the Student Response Books for 5-7 and 8-17, 10 Figure Memory Response Books, Scoring Templates, and two red pencils in a canvas carrying case.

USD: $1,348.00


CAS2: Student Response Booklet (5-7)

CAS2: Student Response Booklet (5-7)

USD: $31.00

CAS2: Student Response Booklet (8-18)

CAS2: Student Response Booklet (8-18)

USD: $31.00

CAS2: Examiner Record Form

CAS2: Examiner Record Form

USD: $61.00

CAS2: Figure Memory Response Booklet (5-18)

CAS2: Figure Memory Response Booklet (5-18)

USD: $48.00

Ortiz PVAT Licenses

Ortiz PVAT Licenses

Online Scoring

Online Scoring

Supplementary Materials

Supplementary Materials

Other Materials

Other Materials

CAS2: Scoring Templates

CAS2: Scoring Templates

Default Title

CAS2: Administration and Scoring Manual

CAS2: Administration and Scoring Manual

Default Title

CAS2: Interpretive and Technical Manual

CAS2: Interpretive and Technical Manual

Default Title
